You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

479 lines
11 KiB

<view class="container">
<view class="tui-bg__box">
<image :src="`${$VUE_APP_RESOURCES_URL}/images/bg_seckill.png`" class="tui-bg__img" mode="widthFix" :style="{ opacity: opacity }"></image>
<view class="tui-header__bg">
<image :src="`${$VUE_APP_RESOURCES_URL}/images/bg_seckill.png`" class="tui-bg__img" mode="widthFix"></image>
<scroll-view class="tui-time-slot" scroll-x>
<view class="tui-time__list" :class="{ 'tui-flex__between': timeList.length < 6 }">
<view class="tui-time__item" :class="[timeList.length < 6 ? 'tui-flex__1' : 'tui-width__min', index == active ? 'tui-time__active' : '']" v-for="(item, index) in timeList" :key="index" @tap="setTime(index)">
<view class="tui-time">{{ item.time }}</view>
<view class="tui-status">{{ item.state }}</view>
<view class="tui-body">
<block v-for="(item, index) in timeList" :key="index">
<view class="tui-status__box" v-if="active == index">
<view class="tui-full__width" v-if="item.status == 0">
<tui-divider gradual width="80%" backgroundColor="#fff" :height="34">
<view class="tui-divider__status">
<image :src="`${$VUE_APP_RESOURCES_URL}/images/img_seckill.png`" mode="widthFix"></image>
<text class="tui-color__red">{{ item.time }}</text>
<text>{{ item.state }}</text>
<view class="tui-full__width" v-if="item.status == 2">
<tui-divider gradual width="80%" backgroundColor="#fff" :height="34">
<view class="tui-divider__status">
<image :src="`${$VUE_APP_RESOURCES_URL}/images/img_seckill.png`" mode="widthFix"></image>
<text class="tui-color__red">{{ item.time }}</text>
<text>{{ item.state }}</text>
<view class="tui-countdown__box" v-if="item.status == 1 || item.status == 2">
<text>距离{{ item.status == 1 ? '结束还剩' : '开始还有' }}</text>
<count-down :isDay="true" :tipText="'倒计时 '" :dayText="' 天 '" :hourText="' 时 '" :minuteText="' 分 '" :secondText="' 秒'" :datatime="item.stop"></count-down>
<view class="tui-list__goods">
<view class="tui-goods__left">
<block v-for="(item, index) in seckillList" :key="index">
<t-goods-item v-if="index % 2 == 0" :item="item" :timeList="timeList" :active="active" :isList="false" @goDetail="goDetail"></t-goods-item>
<view class="tui-goods__right">
<block v-for="(item, index) in seckillList" :key="index">
<t-goods-item v-if="index % 2 !== 0" :item="item" :timeList="timeList" :active="active" :isList="false" @goDetail="goDetail"></t-goods-item>
import { getSeckillConfig, getSeckillList } from '@/api/activity'
import CountDown from '@/components/CountDown'
// import { Tab, Tabs } from "vant-weapp";
import Loading from '@/components/Loading'
export default {
name: 'GoodsSeckill',
components: {
props: {},
data: function() {
return {
headerImg: '',
timeList: [],
sticky: false,
loading: false,
datatime: 0,
active: 0,
seckillList: [],
status: false, //砍价列表是否获取完成 false 未完成 true 完成
loadingList: false, //当前接口是否请求完成 false 完成 true 未完成
page: 1, //页码
limit: 5, //数量
title: [],
opacity: 1,
mounted: function() {
onReachBottom() {
!this.loadingList && this.getSeckillList()
filters: {
getStatusText(status) {
let text = ['活动已结束', '正在疯抢', '即将开抢'][status - 1]
return text
methods: {
changeTime: function(index) { = index
mountedStart: function() {
var that = this
getSeckillConfig().then(res => {
that.$set(that, 'headerImg',
that.$set(that, 'timeList',
that.$set(that, 'active',
let title = []
title =, index) => {
return {
name: 'div',
attrs: {
class: 'timeItem',
children: [
name: 'div',
attrs: {
class: 'time',
children: [
type: 'text',
text: item.time,
name: 'div',
attrs: {
class: 'state',
children: [
type: 'text',
text: item.state,
that.$set(that, 'title', title)
that.datatime = that.timeList[].stop
that.$nextTick(function() {
that.sticky = true
setTime: function(index) {
var that = this = 1
that.loadingList = false
that.status = false = index
that.datatime = that.timeList[].stop
this.seckillList = []
getSeckillList: function() {
var that = this
if (that.loadingList) return
if (that.status) return
var time = that.timeList[].id
getSeckillList(time, {
limit: that.limit,
}).then(res => {
that.status = < that.limit
goDetail: function(item) {
var that = this
var time = that.timeList[].stop
path: '/pages/activity/SeckillDetails/index',
query: {
status: that.timeList[].status,
onPageScroll(e) {
let scrollTop = e.scrollTop
if (scrollTop <= 2) {
this.opacity = 1
} else {
if (this.opacity <= 0) return
this.opacity = 1 - scrollTop / 40
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/*======商品列表 start=======*/
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