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3 years ago
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<view class="course-title">一代天骄王者少年禪易课程教学</view>
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<view class="name">刘老师</view>
<view class="tip">禪易能量高级讲师</view>
<view class="desc">抱朴书院孕育自华夏优秀传统文化博学致用抱朴含虚为院训弘扬国粹利益社会为动力</view>
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<view class="info">2021.5.31 - 2021.6.3</view>
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<view class="info">湖北 武汉</view>
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<view class="info">2021.5.31 - 2021.6.3</view>
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<view class="info">2021.5.31 - 2021.6.3</view>
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<view class="title line1">{{item.title}}</view>
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<view class="tip blue">{{item.chargeType == 0 ? '免费' : item.articleCharge}}</view>
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<view class="title line1">阴阳五行一个人的阴阳五的阴阳五行</view>
<view class="time">2021-5-31-6.3 8:30-18:30</view>
<view class="address">中国 武汉</view>
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<view class="price">3000</view>
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data() {
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onLoad() {
uni.createSelectorQuery().select('.tab-box').boundingClientRect((res) => {
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