You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

273 lines
5.6 KiB

<view class="uni-container">
<view v-if="!hasLeftWin" class="uni-header-logo">
<image class="uni-header-image" src="/static/extuiIndex.png"></image>
<view v-if="!hasLeftWin" class="uni-hello-text">
<text class="hello-text">以下是uni-app扩展组件示例,更多组件见插件市场:</text>
<u-link class="hello-link" :href="''" :text="''" :inWhiteList="true"></u-link>
<view :class="{'pc-hide': hideList.indexOf(item.url) !== -1 && hasLeftWin}" class="uni-panel" v-for="item in lists" :key="item.url">
<view :class="{'left-win-active': leftWinActive === item.url && hasLeftWin}" class="uni-panel-h" @click="goDetailPage(item.url)">
<text class="uni-panel-text">{{}}</text>
<text class="uni-panel-icon uni-icon">&#xe470;</text>
import {
} from 'vuex';
export default {
data() {
return {
hideList: [
lists: [{
name: "uni-badge 数字角标",
url: "badge"
name: "uni-calendar 日历",
url: "calendar"
name: "uni-card 卡片",
url: "card"
name: "uni-collapse 折叠面板",
url: "collapse"
// #ifndef APP-NVUE
name: "uni-combox 组合框",
url: "combox"
// #endif
name: "uni-countdown 倒计时",
url: "countdown"
name: "uni-data-checkbox 数据选择器",
url: "data-checkbox"
name: "uni-data-picker 数据驱动的picker选择器",
url: "data-picker"
name: "uni-dateformat 日期格式化",
url: "dateformat"
// #ifndef APP-NVUE
name: "uni-datetime-picker 日期选择器",
url: "datetime-picker"
// #endif
name: "uni-drawer 抽屉",
url: "drawer"
name: "uni-easyinput 增强输入框",
url: "easyinput"
name: "uni-fab 悬浮按钮",
url: "fab"
name: "uni-fav 收藏按钮",
url: "fav"
// #ifndef APP-NVUE
name: "uni-file-picker 文件选择上传",
url: "file-picker"
// #endif
name: "uni-forms 表单",
url: "forms"
name: "uni-goods-nav 商品导航",
url: "goods-nav"
name: "uni-grid 宫格",
url: "grid"
name: "uni-group 分组",
url: "group"
name: "uni-icons 图标",
url: "icons"
name: "uni-indexed-list 索引列表",
url: "indexed-list"
name: "uni-link 超链接",
url: "link"
name: "uni-list 列表",
url: "list"
name: "uni-load-more 加载更多",
url: "load-more"
name: "uni-nav-bar 自定义导航栏",
url: "nav-bar"
name: "uni-notice-bar 通告栏",
url: "notice-bar"
name: "uni-number-box 数字输入框",
url: "number-box"
name: "uni-pagination 分页器",
url: "pagination"
name: "uni-popup 弹出层",
url: "popup"
name: "uni-rate 评分",
url: "rate"
name: "uni-row 布局-行",
url: "row"
name: "uni-search-bar 搜索栏",
url: "search-bar"
// #ifndef APP || H5 || MP-WEIXIN || MP-ALIPAY || MP-BAIDU || MP-TOUTIAO || MP-QQ
name: "section 标题栏",
url: "section"
// #endif
name: "uni-segmented-control 分段器",
url: "segmented-control"
name: "uni-steps 步骤条",
url: "steps"
name: "uni-swipe-action 滑动操作",
url: "swipe-action"
name: "uni-swiper-dot 轮播图指示点",
url: "swiper-dot"
// #ifndef APP-NVUE || MP-TOUTIAO
name: "uni-table 表格",
url: "table"
// #endif
name: "uni-tag 标签",
url: "tag"
name: "uni-title 章节标题",
url: "title"
name: "uni-transition 过渡动画",
url: "transition"
onLoad() {},
onReady() {
// #ifdef APP-NVUE
url: "/pages/extUI/calendar/calendar",
success() {
console.log("preloadPage /pages/extUI/calendar/calendar")
fail() {}
// #endif
onShareAppMessage() {
return {
title: '欢迎体验uni-app',
path: '/pages/tabBar/extUI/extUI'
onNavigationBarButtonTap(e) {
url: '/pages/about/about'
computed: {
hasLeftWin: state => !state.noMatchLeftWindow,
leftWinActive: state => state.leftWinActive.split('/')[3],
activeOpen: state => state.activeOpen
// #ifdef H5
watch: {
$route: {
immediate: true,
handler(newRoute) {
if (newRoute.matched.length) {
// #endif
methods: {
...mapMutations(['setMenu', 'setMatchLeftWindow', 'setLeftWinActive', 'setActiveOpen']),
goDetailPage(path) {
const url = '/pages/extUI/' + path + '/' + path
if (this.hasLeftWin) {
url: url
} else {
url: url
@import '../../../common/uni-nvue.css';